Meet the mama: Romney Jacob, trend forecaster + fashion consultant

Our friend Romney Jacob, invited us into her dreamy home and answered a few of our pressing Q’s.

She’s worked for the likes of, Levi’s, FORD Models, and WGSN—so, yes, she’s the kind of person we’re always looking to for recs, from what to buy for our home + closets to general trends we should keep an eye on. As a mother of 2 boys (Lev, age 5 and Shai, age 3) she also tends to be on-point when it comes to must-haves for kids.

Hi, Romney! First things first, what are the the trends we should be paying attention to right now, as parents?

The quest for authenticity, in products we purchase, or interactions we have, is very important for Millennial parents. Plus the balance of technology with analog forms of play and learning seems to be top of mind right now. And on the heels of that, the evolution of community in our lives, now that many of us live far away from the communities where we were born or raised. Does social media fill this void or make us feel more alone?

Do you have any personal parenting/life philosophies that have brought you success?

“It's just a phase!”

Your biggest moment of personal failure...

My husband likes to say "everything happens for a reason" whenever something doesn't work out exactly as I'd envisioned it. And he's always right; even what I would perceive as failures at the time actually opened doors to new, better directions.

Biggest moment of personal success...

I'm thankful I've been able to build a great, fulfilling life over the past decade (!) here in NYC.

Your interior aesthetic in your words...

I get swayed by current design trends and currently I’m loving early '80s furniture, but I will always include wood, plants, a few shiny things, and lots of street art, travel mementos, coffee table books, and oversized photography.

Your interior aesthetic as described by someone close to you...


You favorite part of your living space...

My boys' room, which is the perfect space for them to build, create, fight (haha), and talk to each other until they fall asleep. It's full of life.   

Best advice you've been given by a child...

My son tells me "Mom, just chill." It's not bad advice!




  • Jodi Abel
    Fabulous Romney so proud of your success !

  • Katie

    Love everything about this! What a dynamic woman!

  • Max

    I absoloutely love her aesthetic !!

  • Nicki

    Amazing story! But, now I want to go and demo my house ;-)

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